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Classic FB Ads Placement Options
Facebook offers different options for displaying your ad. The placement is important from the optimisation point of view, in order to get the best campaign results. Basic placement options include:
- News Feed – desktop News Feed (for users logging in via their computers) or mobile News Feed (for people using the mobile app)
- Right Column – everything in the right column is always an ad. This placement is available only for desktops.
- Audience Network – brings your ad outside of Facebook into another mobile app.
- Instagram – works not like a regular Instagram post but a Facebook ad displayed on Instagram as well.
New Options for FB Ads Placement
On top of the four described options, there are two quite new placement options you can use to display your Facebook Ads:
- Instant Articles – this tool is designed primarily for media and their article publishing. Facebook Instant Articles display 10 times faster than standard articles on websites and they are displayed in a mobile app as well. This placement offers two types of ads. Advertisers on Facebook can choose Instant Articles for new or existing campaigns, or publishers can include their own direct sold campaigns.
- In-Stream Video – a relatively new format offering the option to raise the reach of your ad video by inserting it into a different native video. This placement is available only for objective Video Views.

Facebook offers an automatic ad placement, where Facebook automatically optimizes the placement for the best results of your ad with the lowest total average costs. It offers a manual placement as well, where you can choose where your ad will be shown. When editing platforms, Facebook offers advanced options, where you can set for example on what mobile device the ad will be shown (All Mobile devices, Android Devices Only, iOS Devices Only), or you can exclude the targeting for In-Stream videos here.
Hi guys, we’d love to use Facebook Instant Articles as an ad placement. Do I get it right assuming we have to be a publisher who already has their feed examined by Facebook (having their previous articles already published or at least having their initial 5+ article feed reviewed)? Is this ad placement available only when you are boosting an article that is already published within FBIA or you can add there new content never published before? Thanks for clarifying this as we are new to FB Instant Articles.
Hello Raymond, welcome to Boosterberg. It seems that you are mixing 2 things in your question – Instant articles as ad placement (showing your ads on other publishers’ IAs) and publishing IAs.
1. As for using IA as ad placement (that is, a part of the audience network placement) – the ad shows up in IAs on FB – this ad placement is not currently supported by Boosterberg, because page posts (which are generally boosted) usually don’t look good when published as an IA Ad, this is similar to right column placement (that’s why we don’t have it checked by default), only even worse. In time, we might add support for this placement, but it’s pretty far down the line.
2. As for publishing your own IAs – that’s the other side of ad placement, the publisher side, you are right, for publishing IAs, you need to meet some requirements, that are detailed here – https://instantarticles.fb.com/getting-started/
Consequently, you will be able to show your own ads inside your own IAs, although this doesn’t work through the usual ad distribution management (the Ads manager) but through the IA manager.
Thank you antiq, this helped me a lot! I have to admit, I was really confused about it before and now I understand we can place our Ad in the FBIA but it need to be handled outside Boosterberg.
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