We recommend using the Advanced boosting conditions, especially if you are experienced in Facebook boosting and want to get the most out of your campaigns. Below, you will find an explanation of each setting.
Post types option lets you choose the type of posts that you want to consider for boosting. If a post type is not selected, it will not be boosted even if it meets other conditions that you set up below.
Below that, you will find two columns: the first “boosting conditions” column contains options for starting the boosting, while the second “stop conditions” handles rules that will stop the boosting if met.
Start conditions:
• Time delay – a hard delay between the time the post is published and the time it is boosted (even if it meets other conditions) – used to delay the boosting for a while so that the post has room to perform organically
• Minimum Organic Reach – only posts that exceed the setup reach will be boosted
• Minimum Engaged Users – only posts that exceed the setup engagement number will be boosted
• Minimum Link Clicks – only posts that exceed the setup number of link clicks will be boosted (works only for posts that contain a link)
• Minimum Video Views – only posts that exceed the setup number of video views will be boosted (works only for posts that contain a video)
• Post Text Keyword – only posts that contain this specific text keyword(s) will be boosted (can be used for plan keywords but also for #hashtags).
• Post text negative keyword – Same as with the previous option, but instead of boosting these posts, Boosterberg will skip them (not boost them even if they meet other conditions).
• Link URL keyword – Only link posts that contain this text in their URL (can be the whole link or just a part of it) will be boosted.
• Link URL negative keyword – Similarly to the previous option, link posts that contain this text in their URL will be skipped.
Stop conditions:
• Stop ad after being created – basic time-based stop condition, boosting will be stopped after the setup time.
• Total Reach – boosting will be stopped when the post exceeds this amount of total reach.
• Total Engaged Users – boosting will be stopped when the post exceeds this amount of total engagement.
• Total Link Clicks – boosting will be stopped when the post exceeds this amount of link clicks (works only for posts that contain a link).
• Video views – boosting will be stopped when the post exceeds this amount of video views (works only for posts that contain a video).
• Negative Feedback – boosting will be stopped when the boosted post has accumulated this number of negative feedbacks (these actions count towards negative feedback: users hide the post, hide all from the Facebook page, report a post or unfollow the Facebook page).
• CPC (Cost per link click) – boosting will be stopped when the average daily cost per link click exceeds this amount (works only for posts that contain a link).
• Cost per POST engagement – boosting will be stopped when the average daily cost per engagement exceeds this amount.
• Total Ad Spend – boosting will be stopped when the ad created from this post by boosting will spend this amount of budget.
Please remember that all of these conditions are checked for every Facebook page roughly every 20 minutes, so the exact amount of values can be a little different.
Finally, you can set up the exact way you want Boosterberg to check your posts:
• check only the last number of posts that you set up
• check all posts that were published during the setup time period
You can also combine both of them with the third option:
• Limit boosting only to posts that were published during the ad set schedule – this is the schedule that you set up in the budget tab within the second step, this option sets Boosterberg up to only check posts that were published from the time the ad set starts.
We recommend using the Advanced boosting conditions, especially if you are experienced in Facebook boosting and want to get the most out of your campaigns. Below, you will find an explanation of each setting.
Post types option lets you choose the type of posts that you want to consider for boosting. If a post type is not selected, it will not be boosted even if it meets other conditions that you set up below.
Below that, you will find two columns: the first “boosting conditions” column contains options for starting the boosting, while the second “stop conditions” handles rules that will stop the boosting if met.
Start conditions:
Stop conditions:
Please remember that all of these conditions are checked for every Facebook page roughly every 20 minutes, so the exact amount of values can be a little different.
Finally, you can set up the exact way you want Boosterberg to check your posts: